What is EndNote?
And what is the difference between EndNote Online and EndNote X2?
EndNote software is designed to help researchers through the process of writing a research paper, thesis or dissertation. This tool will help you organize and manage bibliographic citations and articles you find using the Pearson Library databases. In addition, it will automate the process of creating with-in text citations and references in APA, MLA, Chicago or other common style formats.
The Pearson Library provides two different types of EndNote software to CLU students:
- Web-based EndNote Online for CLU students
- EndNote X2 desktop program for faculty graduate students engaged in resesarch
For more information on accessing EndNote Online, please view the EndNote Resource Guide.
If you are a graduate student interested in the EndNote X2 Desktop program, contact the ISS Help Desk to make an appointment to have the software installed on your laptop. An appointment is required as technicians are not available on a drop in basis. Call 805-493-3698 or e-mail helpdesk@callutheran.edu